Welcome To The
Pastor Ken Southworth          
                First Baptist Church
                     of Sidney

              28 River Street
              Sidney, NY 13838

 Church Office: (607) 563-8456

Calendar of Events

Date Event Event Description
TeamKIDS We are very excited to invite all children, ages 3 through
6th grade to our TeamKID Club! TeamKID is a fast-action,
movement oriented, exciting approach to teaching children
about God and Jesus Christ. Boys and girls will hear Bible
stories and apply spiritual truths to their daily lives,
sing Bible-verse songs, pray, experience a variety of creative
art and manipulative activities, play Bible-related recreational
games, enjoy a snack and have FUN! Call to register your child
today! (607) 563-1166.
First Baptist Church of Sidney is located 28 River Street,
Sidney, New York 13838. Call (607) 563-1166 for more information.

Contact Info

Pastor Ken Southworth  Office: (607) 563-8456
Parsonage: (607) 563-1166
Church Address: 28 River Street, Sidney, NY 13838
Church Office: 30 River Street, Sidney, NY 13838
Email Address: firstbaptistchrc@stny.rr.com
Weekly Worship Services

    Coffee Available - 9:00am
    Sunday School and Adult Bible Fellowship - 9:30am
    Morning Worship - 10:45am (Nursery & Children's Church)
    Evening Worship Service - 6pm

    Bible Study and Prayer Service - 6:30pm

Regular Weekly Ministries:
    Teen Group - 5:00pm-7:00pm

    TeamKIDS for ages 3 to sixth grade - 6:00pm - 7:30pm

    Men's Breakfast and Spiritual Growth Meeting - 9:00am

Other Ministries:
    Women's Ministries
    Biblical Counseling Ministry
    Men's Bible Studies
    Women's Bible Studies
    Men's Monthly Saturday Morning Breakfast - (1st Saturday of each month)

Purpose Statement:
“To see unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.”

“Through the clear teaching of the Scriptures to give answers for the mind,
a passion for the heart and service for the hands!”


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